Red Bull Media House
Innovation Department
Sustainability initiatives
At Red Bull’s Innovation Department in Austria, I championed an initiative, collaborating with university students, to incorporate sustainable energy projects within the company, including: HydraCell salt-water batteries, compressed air storage, piezo technology and zero waste catering for Red Bull events.
Testing gadgets
I tested and reviewed new technological gadgets in the media production market, including a broad range of topics such as Virtual and Augmented Reality, a range of camera equipment, heart-rate monitors and NFC sensors. I was trained in operating multiple drones at the same time, testing different setups for the drones and how they can be flown in sync to produce interesting content perspectives.
Editorial and Content
My editorial reviews on start-ups, innovative gadgets and technological developments, were shared throughout the company. I also hosted podcasts and edited short-format movies using Adobe Premiere Pro that showcased innovative gadgets.